Eleven Hundred Agency

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We Talk Tech

Eleven Hundred Agency

Turbocharge your PR career in 2023

Eleven Hundred Agency had another record year in 2022, so we’re once again on the lookout for an experienced and ambitious tech PR pro to join our team.

If you’re a self-motivated Account Manager (or think you have what it takes to be one), we want to hear from you.

At Eleven Hundred, our days are varied so expect to be talking to clients, journalists and analysts, as well as coming up with creative ideas, writing brilliant content, running social campaigns and managing talented account executives. They’ll be plenty of opportunities to expand your skills and move up the career ladder.

Your clients will be a mix of tech firms – some established, some just starting out – covering a broad range of sectors, including cybersecurity, cloud technologies, digital infrastructure and more.

You’ll need a good degree-level qualification, at least two years of experience at a PR agency and a track record of representing technology clients.

We’re based in Angel Islington (when we’re not working from home) and the salary is between £37,500 to £40,000, depending on your experience.

Drop us a line at contactus@elevenhundredagency.com and we’ll send you the job description.