Eleven Hundred Agency

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We Talk Tech

Eleven Hundred Agency

Our work for Norm Cyber is award-winning!

Last week was one to remember at Eleven Hundred Agency.

The team was recognised at the UK Digital PR Awards, where it walked away with the winner’s trophy in the Digital PR Campaign of the Year – Technology category, for our work with UK managed security services provider, Norm Cyber.

Hooray for us!

The judges were impressed with the ambition of our campaign Redefining the cybersecurity norm and the team’s ability to hit some tough campaign goals in what is a highly competitive market for media coverage.

This is excellent and deserved recognition of the Norm PR team’s hard work, understanding of the client’s needs and strategic thinking. A big shout out to the team at Norm too – it really was a joint effort.

And just when we thought we couldn’t get more excited, we also found out that the agency has been shortlisted for THREE categories at the upcoming UK Agency Awards 2023, including in the prestigious category of Best Small PR Agency of the Year.

We’re going to need a sit down.