Eleven Hundred Agency

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Eleven Hundred Agency

Eleven Hundred Agency is born

So here we go again.  Exciting times as we launch Eleven Hundred Agency a new PR and content creation agency based in London.  This is a great opportunity for us to build a modern, innovative PR firm from scratch.  We are really enthusiastic about the opportunities and exciting times we have ahead of us. 

Our focus is working with clients in the technology and professional services areas where both myself and Claire, the joint founders of Eleven Hundred Agency, have built our careers.  The two of us have worked together for almost 20 years and, as you can imagine, in that time we have seen a lot of changes.  In our minds, there is no doubt that the old PR agency model is falling behind and is failing to deliver what clients are looking for.  There lies the basis of Eleven Hundred Agency. Starting with a clean slate, we’re building a more cohesive offering with content development and social channels central elements of all of our PR campaigns.  Our focus is in helping clients develop and tell their stories in a compelling way and, critically, to deliver them at the right time via the right channel to the right audience. It sounds simple but requires a shift in approach and a realisation that just focusing on media and analyst relations is no longer enough.